Certified Speech-Language Pathology Services
Speech Disorder
Characterized by a person’s inability to articulate speech clearly. Could be associated with a developmental, neuro-motor or structural issue. Identifying and targeting specific sound formations, can successfully strengthen weak areas
Phonological Disorder
Generally includes pervasive patterns of incorrect speech that affect intelligibility. This may sound like the client has “immature” speech for their age. Targeting error patterns, increases intelligibility.
Receptive Language Disorder
Characterized by issues with listening and/or reading comprehension with which many children, including those with ADHD, may struggle. Therapy focuses on listening comprehension.
Expressive Language Disorder
Affects the ability to verbally express one’s thoughts and emotions properly and could be observed as a person who is non-verbal, “babbles” or has limited vocabulary.
Social Communication
This area deals with the struggle to interact with others in conversation. Therapy focuses on developing elements of successful social communication skills with which many children, including those with Autism, may struggle.
Stuttering / Fluency Disorders
Characterized by disfluent speech, such as, repeated words and sounds. Therapy includes developing and implementing strategies to increase confidence and control.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Allows for other avenues of communication to reduce the frustration of severe expressive language disorders. An evaluation is usually required to assess which type of device best addresses the child's needs.